Privacy and Aesthetics: Burleigh Beach Tower

This pool upgrade concept is a testament to balancing privacy and aesthetics at Burleigh Beach Tower. The project centres on a pool roof design to shield the area from nearby high-rises.

In addition to the pool roof, our design introduces a sub-tropical landscaped pathway, new change facilities, and a BBQ social area, all inspired by the natural beauty of the Burleigh headland.

Image of the Burleigh Beach Tower Pool Upgrade project

Privacy and aesthetics combined.

Revamping Burleigh Beach Tower

The image provides a glimpse into the transformative concept we proposed for the pool upgrade concept, highlighting a sub-tropical pathway inspired by the natural aesthetics of the Burleigh headland.

This pathway serves as a connector, seamlessly blending the new pool area with new changing rooms and an adjoining BBQ area, enhancing the functionality and overall harmony of the outdoor space.

View from the tower towards the pool entrance, showing the organic design of the pathway inspired by the natural materials of the coastline.

View from the Burleigh Beach Tower to the new more private pool area.

Northern view of the Burleigh Beach Tower's pool area showcasing a roof design inspired by the Burleigh Headland and lush garden beds connected by a stone pathway.

View from the north capturing the new privacy-enhancing roof with materials inspired by the coast.

Evolving Landscape and Pool Design at Burleigh Beach Tower

Nestled between the iconic Burleigh Beach Tower and the blue waves of the ocean, the renovated pool area is a testament to the harmonious blend of architecture and nature. We introduced a design that effortlessly merges privacy needs with aesthetic desires, drawing inspiration from the stunning Burleigh Headland.

Our vision extended to a reimagined pathway, establishing a connection between the tower and the pool area. Lined with curved timber look battening and flanked by lush gardens, the pathway leads to the pool entrance gate. The use of natural materials such as stone and timber pays homage to the coastal environment, ensuring that the upgrades remain rooted in the essence of the Burleigh coastline.

Upgraded amenities with a courtyard for socializing and relaxation.

View of the reoriented shower and toilet facilities, and a new courtyard area perfect for BBQs or relaxation near the pool.

Pool area with roof for privacy and natural light infusion.

New pool the roof structure with clear roof panels to introduce natural light.

Revitalising Burleigh Beach Tower: From Amenities to Pool Privacy

In transforming the amenities of Burleigh Beach Tower, we introduced not just upgraded facilities, but also envisioned spaces that elevate the recreational experience. The courtyard, a product of the reoriented shower and toilet facilities, offers residents a multifunctional space, ideal for BBQs, relaxation, or simple social gatherings.

Further into the pool area, our design focused on ensuring both privacy and an influx of natural light. The roof structure, inspired by the coastal environment and using natural-looking materials, achieves this delicate balance. A large bank of clear roof panels channel sunlight, ensuring the space remains vibrant and inviting, while the roof contours provide residents the much-needed privacy from neighboring high-rises.